WCCE 2022 Conference in Bali Discusses Four Major Issues in Creative Economy Sector

The Indonesian Government c.q. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy /Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (MOTCE) together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold the World Conference on Creative Economy (WCCE) in Nusa Dua Bali on October 5-7, 202, with a mission of global recovery through the creative economy sector.
Four sub-themes in the creative economy will be deliberated during this third international conference. They are Creative Economy for Global Revival, Inclusivity and SDGs Agenda, IP and Rights of the Creative, and The Future of Creative Economy.
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, in a statement in Jakarta, Monday (3/10/2022) explained that creative economy actors need to gain global recognition for their potential in promoting sustainable and resilient economic growth.
“As the whole world is ready to enter an endemic era, the world needs to quickly find ways to recover the economy to save sustainable livelihoods so that people can recover resiliently quickly. This is where the creative economy is present,” according to Minister Sandiaga.
The Indonesian Government held its first international creative economy conference in 2018. The 1st WCCE has succeeded to increase the attention and participation of many stakeholders consisting of government representatives, private sector, civil society, international organizations, media, and creative economy actors around the world.
The 1st WCCE in 2018 has produced 21 creative economy development agendas called the “Bali Agenda for Creative Economy” and has subsequently been brought into global conversation.
This is proven by the adoption of the UN Resolutions in 2019 at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, namely the declaration of 2021 as The International Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. Furthermore, Indonesia has also established the Global Center of Excellence and International Cooperation for Creative Economy (G-CINC).
The 2nd WCCE in 2021 has been held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. WCCE 2021 Dubai declared the WCCE 2021 agenda, consisting of 21 points, covering the subjects, including economic benefits, youth, ecosystems, and international efforts in the development of the creative economy in the future.
The 3rd WCCE in 2022 with the theme “Inclusively Creative: A Global Recovery”, is taken from the awareness that the creative economy has become a leading sector because of its significant growth in recent years, even some sub-sectors have proven to be growing very well during the COVID-19 pandemic such as animation, applications, and game development.
The creative economy is also a contemporary economic dimension that does not look at gender differences, is non-discriminatory, and no longer depends on big capital.
Meanwhile, the Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Deputy Head of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, added that the four sub-themes are expected to be able to produce crucial points for the recovery of the creative economy sector after the pandemic. These four sub-themes, namely, first is creative economy for global revival by discussing policies that supports the creative economy sector, actors, and the entire ecosystems that seeks to develop this sector.
Second, regarding the protection and marketing of intellectual property, the rights of advertising materials, and the utilization of technology to maintain the livelihoods of creative economy actors globally.
Then the inclusiveness agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to drive the creative economy sector to be able to answer global issues.
Lastly, the conference raised the sub-theme ‘Future of Creative Economy’ to map the development of the creative economy sector collectively in line with global changes.
“Let’s advocate our creative economy actors to gain global recognition for their potential in driving sustainable and resilient economic growth for all,” Angela said.
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